Ticket sales are open for all 2025 events.
The Kody Norris Show is, deeply rooted in North American folk music. Norris has crafted a performance that harkens back and tips a hat to the traditions created by Bill Monroe, Jimmy Martin’s showmanship, the Stanley Brothers’ harmonies, performances of the Grand Ole Opry, and a bit of Vaudeville. Top-notch picking is center stage, but humor and visual flash are part of the entertaining package. Always clad in colorful, tailored suits adorned with rhinestones, ties, classic hats, and ornate boots, the band earns its moniker as a “show.” The brand is traditional, clean-cut, acoustic, and always entertaining.
The foursome is fronted by Kody Norris on guitar and his fiddling “sweetie,” Mary Rachel Nalley-Norris, Josiah Tyree on banjo, and Cousin Charlie Lowman on the bass!
The band’s album, When I Get the Money Made, was named the 2017 Bluegrass Album of the Year by the National Traditional Country Music Association. The Kody Norris Show was honored with seven SPBGMA nominations in 2018 and four nominations in 2022. In addition to winning Fiddler performer of the year, The Kody Norris Show was also named the 2022 Entertainer of the Year!
Playing 90+ dates a year, The Kody Norris Show covers the road from Canada to Mexico! So far they’ve only missed two states! They’ve been part of the University of Chicago Folk Festival and have performed at the Smithsonian and the Kennedy Center. They are also part of two weekly programs on the acclaimed RFD-TV network, The Cumberland Highlanders Show and The Bluegrass Trail. For more than 3 years, The Kody Norris Show has been the host of the “Farm and Fun Time Noon Show.” This is also a weekly broadcast through The Birthplace of Country Music Museum and Radio Bristol, hitting over 5 million views collectively.
The Kody Norris Show signed with Rebel Records from Charlottesville, VA in 2019 and has since then released, All Suited Up which debuted at #7 on the Billboard Charts!
Tickets: $15 in advance • $20 at the door • $10 youth
Ticket sales open on Saturday, March 11, 2023, at 8:00 a.m. EST, or you can purchase advanced tickets at our Box Office.
Sponsored by: Mina Norfleet, Realtor • Miller’s Flower Shop